Antológica da Pintura à Pintura / Ser Linha Ser

Antológica da Pintura à Pintura / Ser Linha Ser
Book design in collaboration with Sistema Solar – Documenta

antológica da pintura à pintura, joana duraes, pires vieira, documenta

Antológica da Pintura à Pintura
Released on the occasion of the exhibition by Pires Vieira at MNAC and Fundação Carmona e Costa, Lisbon, June 2014
Book design in collaboration with Manuel Rosa / Documenta; English title Anthology from Painting to Painting; Artist Pires Vieira; Texts and Research Adelaide Ginga and David Santos; Format 28,5 x 24,5 cm, 208 pages; Technique Offset, hardcover; Print run 300 copies; Bilingual PT / EN; Editorial coordination Sistema Solar (Documenta); Published by Sistema Solar (Documenta) in collaboration with MNAC and Fundação Carmona e Costa

Ser Linha Ser
Published on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Ser Linha Ser’ by Cristina Ataíde at Fundação Carmona e Costa, July 2015
Book design in collaboration with Manuel Rosa / Documenta; Artist Cristina Ataíde; Texts João Pinharanda; Format 28 x 23 cm, 128 pages; Technique Offset, softcover; Print run 800 copies; Bilingual PT / EN; Editorial coordination Sistema Solar (Documenta); Published by Sistema Solar (Documenta) in collaboration with Fundação Carmona e Costa